The Animal Health & Welfare campaign aims to increase societal concern for the welfare of animals, and promote positive, responsible pet ownership.
Healthy Pet Food Created by an Animal Lover for Animal Lovers
Instead of using fillers and preservatives, Harlow Blend nourishes dogs and cats with fresh and dehydrated meats, fruits, and vegetables.
How Pheromones Will Help Your Puppy Adjust to Post-Pandemic Life
Puppies are being raised in abnormal circumstances this year. Establish a relaxing environment with synthetic pheromones when socializing your canine companion.
Why Choose a Plant-Based Diet, and Why Now?
People are choosing a vegan or plant-based diet for many reasons: it’s good for your health, it’s good for the environment and it’s good for the animals
The Importance of Animal Activism with Jann Arden
We spoke with Canadian singer-songwriter, actress, and animal rights activist Jann Arden to learn about why she’s so passionate about animal welfare and her latest advocacy campaign, #HORSESHIT.
What is Humane Education and Why Should We Care?
Simply put, humane education focuses on nurturing compassion and respect for animals and all living things, including the earth. It helps one understand the interconnectedness of the living world and to recognize how their beliefs, decisions and actions impact the lives of others, near and far.
Is the Pandemic Causing Your Dog Anxiety? Here Are Some Ways to Help
Life in a pandemic can give dogs separation anxiety. Pheromones can relieve stress and help dogs readjust to their pre-pandemic schedules.