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Q&A with Caroline Proulx, Quebec Tourism Minister

Mediaplanet asks Caroline Proulx, the Minister of Toursime of Québec about the province’s strategic plans to balance tourism growth with environmental sustainability. Discover how Quebec is positioning itself as a leader in responsible tourism while offering diverse experiences for visitors all year round in our exclusive interview with her.

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In collaboration with its tourism industry partners, the Gouvernement du Québec is already taking action to promote responsible, sustainable tourism. This priority is reflected in the implementation of the Action plan for responsible and sustainable tourism, which is shaping the future of our tourism sector. We are supporting the transition to a circular economy, developing nature and adventure tourism with an ecotourism approach, and promoting tourism that is beneficial to individuals and respectful of communities. We support businesses in adapting to climate change, and we are promoting sustainable transportation to reduce the carbon footprint of our tourism activities.

These principles will be central to the new tourism strategy we are launching in 2025. Our goal is to integrate rigorous criteria for responsible and sustainable tourism into all our financing programs, in order to maximize the benefits of tourism while minimizing its impact on the environment and communities.

We are also working to strengthen tourist activity over four seasons, so as to promote the sustainability of businesses, contribute more significantly to the vitality of the regions and prevent overtourism.

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What initiatives are in place to promote lesser-known regions of Quebec to both domestic and international tourists?

Québec is proud of its 21 tourist regions, each with its own unique character and gems to discover. To showcase them, the government delegates key functions to regional tourism associations, including promotion, hospitality, information, signage, and offer development.

Between 2022 and 2026, the government is investing $56 million to support these 21 associations, enabling them, among other things, to effectively promote their regions. Thanks to this funding, each region can take a targeted approach to promoting its assets.

International promotional campaigns highlight the beauty of Québec and its rich tourism supply. From the mountains of the Laurentides region to the coasts of Gaspésie and the forests of Abitibi-Témiscamingue, each region contributes to making Québec a world-class destination. This collaboration between the government and tourism associations gives Québec tremendous visibility around the world, attracting visitors with its authentic and diverse experiences.

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If you could create a new, unique festival in Quebec, what would it celebrate, and where would it take place? 

That’s a tough question, since there are already hundreds of festivals celebrating so many different things! Thanks to its talented artisans and creators, Québec has developed a unique expertise in festivals and major events. These festivities are deeply rooted in the DNA of the Québécois, who love gathering together to share memorable experiences. Internationally renowned events such as the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal, the Festival d’été de Québec and the Québec Winter Carnival are perfect examples of this passion for celebration and culture.

Our government recognizes the economic importance of these events for our regions and provides financial support to nearly 300 festivals and events every year, with an annual envelope of $30 million allocated through a dedicated program.

We invite you to discover Québec in every season and immerse yourself in the diversity and vibrant energy of our festivals, which offer unique experiences year-round throughout all our magnificent regions.

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If you were to plan a perfect fall day trip in Quebec, what activities would be on the itinerary?

In the fall, our province is bathed in a myriad of cheerful, festive colours, and our regions abound with outdoor activities to make the most of these incredible surroundings. 

It would be impossible to decide on a particular itinerary. That’s why on its Bonjour Québec website, the Ministère provides a section dedicated to this season and its activities. This page includes a fall colours map to track regional changes from mid-September to the end of October. 

We also have destination experts who are familiar with all the attractions and can tailor-make an itinerary to suit your needs.

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